Call for Paper Submissions

The 1st Workshop on Advances in Human-Centric Experiments in Software Engineering aims to bring together researchers and practitioners working in any field of Software Engineering, but with high interest in human-centric experiments, in particular, empirical evaluation of tools, processes and models which involves human participants. While much attention in the software engineering community is properly directed towards other aspects of systems development and evolution, it is the humans who will ultimately use the systems, and the proposed tools and methods. Hence, the use of appropriate methodologies to perform human-centric experiments remains a pressing concern. The workshop will strive for involving researchers and practitioners from fields other than computer science who have in-depth methodological knowledge about the applicable techniques, such as psychology and social sciences, thus providing an opportunity to share ideas and experiences among these communities.


The topics of the submissions should be of direct interest to software engineering, and in particular, analysis, evolution, and (re)engineering communities. Topics of interest include aspects listed for the main conference, but additional topics are welcome too. In particular:

  • Software Analysis, Parsing, and Fact Extraction
  • Software Reverse Engineering and Reengineering
  • Program Comprehension
  • Software Evolution Analysis
  • Software Architecture Recovery and Reverse Architecting
  • Program Transformation and Refactoring
  • Mining Software Repositories and Software Analytics
  • Software Visualization
  • Software Reconstruction and Migration
  • Software Maintenance and Evolution
  • Program Repair
  • Software Release Engineering, Continuous Integration and Delivery
  • Education related to all the above topics
  • Software design or engineering philosophies, practices, and tools
  • Adapting tools or processes to accommodate a range of organizational and cultural situations
  • Managerial or organizational aspects focused on people and their interactions
  • Teamwork, collaboration, or cooperation in or across various development teams and methodologies
  • Community-based software development (e.g., Open Source, crowdsourcing, etc.)
  • Stakeholder participation within and across phases
  • Processes and tools to support communication, collaboration, and cooperation among stakeholders


Submitted papers should fit into one of the following categories.

Empirical Papers

Empirical utilization or evaluation of theoretical or practical tools, methodologies, techniques of humanities to address software engineering-related problems and research issues. We encourage researchers to submit parts of their already presented works about the successful application of humanities-related methodologies. Negative results are also welcomed.

Methodological Papers

Adaptation of theoretical or practical frameworks, mindsets, methodologies of humanities in the context of software engineering-related problems and research issues. Submissions may contain a methodological description of the possible application of humanities-related methods without any empirical evaluation yet.

Special Issue

Authors of selected papers accepted at HUMAN 2022 will be invited to submit revised, extended versions of their manuscripts for a special issue.